Understanding the Benefits, Uses and Dosage of Probiotics

Understanding the Benefits, Uses and Dosage of Probiotics

People often don’t understand that bacteria are good too. We usually take antibiotics and use antibacterial soaps to eradicate harmful bacterial infections. While bad bacteria are toxic to our bodies, the good bacteria in the body can provide various benefits.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that help prevent and treat certain diseases. These are the healthy or good bacteria in our system for promoting a healthy immune system and improving the digestive tract. One can get probiotics from beverages, foods, and other dietary supplements.

The word probiotic comes from the Greek word. In that word, “pro” means “promoting,” and “biotic” means “life.” Probiotics came into existence in the early 20th century, when the father of probiotics, Elie Metchnikoff, found out that despite living in harsh climate and poverty some rural dwellers in Bulgaria lived a long and healthy life.

He later concluded that health improves with an intestinal microbiome that contains friendly bacteria that are available in sour milk. After that, he continued the research to support his findings to find more benefits of probiotics.

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Here are some noteworthy benefits of probiotics to improve overall health and immunity:

1. Better Gut Health

Probiotics balance gut or intestinal flora, where both good and bad bacteria live. However, probiotics help increase the good bacteria within the system. Hence, it improves the digestive system’s efficiency. It also reduces bloating, gas and constipation.

Whenever you consume antibiotics, people often experience diarrhea because gut flora becomes upset. But with the help of probiotics, there’s an increase in good bacteria within the gut. Likewise, probiotics help in bringing some relief to the signs of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Some research evidence also suggests that probiotics prevent stomach cancers and ulcerative colitis. These conditions often occur due to bad bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori.

2. Immunity

Our body can fight infections, thanks to the presence of probiotics that boost immune function. Besides keeping a check on gut bacteria, probiotics even secrete protective substances to promote the formation of antibodies within your body.

3. Improves Nutrition

Your food has essential nutrients. But what if the intestine cannot absorb those nutrients? Don’t worry; probiotics can help in better absorption of nutrients from food. Thanks to better nutrient absorption, the body also gets smoother to run all bodily functions while undertaking vital biochemical procedures.

The probiotics even help improve mood disorders and skin conditions (like allergies) and support weight loss.

4. Usage and Dose of Probiotics

It is best to find your nutrition from food sources. Nonetheless, if your diet does not have the appropriate quantity of probiotics, you can consider having some supplements. For instance, Yakult is one of the best probiotics in India. Besides, you can take Probiotic tablets and Probiotic capsules after consultation with a healthcare practitioner.

In medical science, the bacterial count is in colony-forming units (CFU). A count of approx 20 billion CFUs per tablet/capsule is generally safe. In terms of SI units, it is around 500 mg per dose.

Often, the recommended dose for adults is two tablets/capsules per day. But if you want to have Yakult, you can have it as directed on its label.


Generally, probiotics are friendly or good live bacteria to support the body and its systems, particularly the digestive system. Often found in fermented foods, probiotics are available as supplements too. But do consult a healthcare practitioner before choosing a supplement from a reliable seller or manufacturer.

Also, Visit here: How Probiotics Can Help Relieve Constipation?


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