Can Women Take Probiotics in Pregnancy?

When you hear the words "bacteria" and "fungus," you might think of something bad. It might remind you of germs and getting sick. But our bodies have trillions of cells that live there on their own. This includes bacteria and fungi in our guts that are important to our health. When a woman is pregnant, the organisms in her gut can change. This could affect their baby who is still in the womb. Probiotics are live microorganisms that change how the bacteria in our guts work together. They can be found in some foods, drinks, and vitamins, and there are many health benefits linked to them. About 4% of pregnant women in the US and Canada take probiotics for constipation . Are Probiotic Supplements Safe for Pregnant Women? Most likely, probiotics are safe to take while pregnant. But because there are different kinds of probiotics and not enough study has been done, probiotics can't be said to be completely safe. The best thing to do about vitamins is to talk to yo...