7 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

7 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

People were always on the go before the COVID-19 pandemic. People were always in a rush. People usually don't eat lunch or grab whatever is most accessible without giving much thought to their health. To add insult to injury, technology has made us more efficient but, now everyone wants interrupted answers, results, and sleep. And now that we have been forced to take a step back and slow down, we can see the results of living that way.

All of this adds up to a perfect storm of stress. And if you have a long-term illness, it's enough to make it worse. How can you make sure your health is at its best? How to increase immunity

Here are seven ways to strengthen your immune system so you can fight off possible infections.

1. Set Up (or keep up) a Workout Routine

Regular exercise has been shown to keep your immune system in top shape. Pathogens can't get into your lungs and airways when you're active, so you're less likely to get sick. If you have a routine you're used to, don't stop doing it. If you don't, you might want to start.

2. Minimize Stress

When stressed, your body can release the hormone cortisol, which can worsen inflammation and weaken your immune system. Many studies have shown that people who said they were less stressed were also less likely to get sick.

3. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

This doesn't just mean getting enough hours of sleep but also doing everything you can to get good sleep. Lack of sleep makes patients more susceptible to viruses. Try to get 6-7 hours of sound sleep each night.

4. Don't Drink as Much

If you drink less alcohol, you might sleep better at night, but that's not all. Drinking too much alcohol has been demonstrated to lower resistance to respiratory infections and increase the likelihood of getting sick in general. Think about drinking in moderation, no more than one drink a day for women and two for men. Instead of drinking alcohol, you can take an immunity drink.

5. Get Shots to Protect Against Other Diseases

It is dangerous and possible to have more than one infection simultaneously. If you had COVID-19 and the flu simultaneously, for example, it would make your health situation much more complicated. There are now vaccines to protect against the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough (among others).

6. Stop Smoking/Vaping

As a general rule, anything you breathe in that you don't need to will make you more likely to get a respiratory infection.

7. Help Your Immune System Work Well

It's essential to eat well. If your gut is healthy, you'll be better able to fight off infections. Your immune system will be more robust if you eat foods high in vitamins A, C, and D, as well as zinc. Eat five servings of veggies and fruits daily. You can also take an immunity drink.


You can boost your immune system today by changing how you live and eat. Some of these are reducing the amount of sugar you eat, staying hydrated, working out regularly, getting enough sleep, and controlling your stress. Even though none of these tips can stop COVID-19, they may help your body fight off harmful pathogens better. So this is all about how to increase immunity.


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