7 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

People were always on the go before the COVID-19 pandemic. People were always in a rush. People usually don't eat lunch or grab whatever is most accessible without giving much thought to their health. To add insult to injury, technology has made us more efficient but, now everyone wants interrupted answers, results, and sleep. And now that we have been forced to take a step back and slow down, we can see the results of living that way. All of this adds up to a perfect storm of stress. And if you have a long-term illness, it's enough to make it worse. How can you make sure your health is at its best? How to increase immunity ? Here are seven ways to strengthen your immune system so you can fight off possible infections. 1. Set Up (or keep up) a Workout Routine Regular exercise has been shown to keep your immune system in top shape. Pathogens can't get into your lungs and airways when you're active, so you're less likely to get sick. If you have a routine you...