How Delicious Probiotic Drinks Keep you Healthy?

Delicious Probiotic Drinks Keep you Healthy

Whenever you think of bacteria, what comes to your mind? We are sure you start thinking about illness-causing organisms. But some types of bacteria are good too. These good bacteria are called probiotics and are vital for vitality and good health. They keep your gut healthy and also treat irritable bowe
l syndrome, diarrhoea, and other digestion-related issues. 

The best way to add these live good bacteria to your diet is by consuming delicious probiotic drinks.

Benefits of Probiotics

The “probiotic” word means “for life” and they are vital to improving the balance of the digestive system. These good bacteria consume bad bacteria in the gut and hence, maintain a healthy balance in the body.

Here are a few benefits of probiotics to your body: 

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Boost immunity
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Enhance memory and learning
  • Bring down cholesterol levels
  • Cure urinary tract infections
  • Prevent or treat diarrhoea
  • Prevent childhood allergies and eczema
  • Alleviate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Boost your mood
  • Improve oral hygiene
  • Prevent excessive weight gain

Delicious Probiotic Drinks to Improve Immunity

Consuming a probiotic-rich diet is essential to clean the gut and make sure it works fine. Besides adding probiotic-containing foods like curd (yoghurt) to your diet, you need to consume probiotic health drinks to keep the doctors at bay.

Here are a few probiotic health drinks to include in your diet: 

1. Buttermilk

It is a traditional Indian probiotic drink with live cultures. However, when you heat buttermilk, it destroys the live cultures. So, it is best to have it cold.


Curd: 1 cup

Cumin powder: 1 tbsp

Water: 1 glass

Green chilli: 1/2, optional


Mix all the ingredients in a blender and whirl it. It has a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid.

2. Simple Milk Kefir

It is a fermented milk drink containing grains. It is rich in nutrients and probiotics.


Kefir grains

Milk: 1 glass 


Add buttery and rubbery kefir grains to a cup of milk. Cover it and let it sit for 24 hours at room temperature. The milk will thicken and ferment over time. Finally, strain, mix, and drink it.

3. Coconut Water Kefir

The fermented drink aids digestion, so it’s recommended to have it with or after meals. 


Fresh coconut water: 6 cups

Water kefir grains: ¼ cup

Lemon or orange juice: ½ to 1 cup


Pour the coconut water and water kefir grains into a jar. Cover it with cheesecloth and let the mixture sit for up to 48 hours at room temperature. Next, strain coconut water kefir and keep the soaked grains. The second fermentation is needed to make coconut water kefir a little fizzy. Now, mix coconut kefir and take out the juice. Pour the juice into a tight-sealing bottle and let it ferment for 48 hours.

4. Probiotic Lemonade

It does not taste like typical lemonade. However, this Lacto-fermented probiotic drink is extremely healthy. The recipe to make this drink is without water kefir grains and traditional Kombucha SCOBY. 


  • 10 lemons (juiced)
  • Whey: 1 cup
  • Sugar: ¾ cup
  • A gallon-size jar
  • Filtered water: 2.5 to 3 quarts


Add sugar to a glass jar along with hot water to dissolve it. Now, pour lemon juice into the jar and fill it with filtered water. Allow it to cool and when water is at room temperature, add whey and stir slowly. Furthermore, cover the jar tightly and keep the liquid for up to 2-3 days. Keep it in the fridge and drink 4-6 ounces every day.


All these probiotic drinks are great to boost your immunity system. So, add them to your diet to live a healthy life.

Also, Visit here: Boost your Immunity with these Simple Tips


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