10 Tips to Boost your Immune System

10 Tips to Boost your Immune System

Want to keep viruses like coronavirus away and protect yourself from flu or the common cold? If so, you need a strong immune system. For that, you need to consume the right nutrients, vitamins and necessary
immunity booster foods to keep your overall health in top condition.

However, it's confusing to understand what exact things to practice and consume for good immunity. Don't worry; here we share with you the vital tips to boost your immunity.

1. Stop Stressing

Stress, particularly chronic stress, can harm your immune system. Why? Well, the increased cortisol levels in the system can lead to a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is vital to keep stress low by practising meditation and worrying less.

2. Wash Your Hands Properly

A simple way to prevent illnesses is to wash your hands properly with soap and water. According to the US Centres for Disease Control (CDC), you need to wash your hands for up to 20 seconds or more after using a restroom or when you come back home from a public place. Also, wash your hands properly after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.

3. Have More Phytochemicals

You need to include more plant nutrients, also called phytochemicals, in your diet. For this, you need to have blackberries, raspberries, sweet potatoes, dark chocolate and blueberries. All these are rich in antioxidants and good for improving our body functions.

4. Quit Smoking

Smoking makes the natural defences in your body go weak. Every cigarette you have puts you at a higher risk of being vulnerable to autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis) and viruses.

5. Keep Your Body Moving

We understand that it is not possible to move all the time. But do take out time in the day for exercising. Daily exercise gives your body a natural mechanism for tension release, which is often a burden on your immunity.

6. Have Good Eight Hours of Sleep

Eight hours of sleep is vital for a healthy immune system. Generally, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep daily. And, children need to sleep longer. It is because sleep is a restorative for your body’s immune system.

7. Include Ginger in Your Diet

Ginger helps in stimulating the defensive responses of your digestive and respiratory systems. Hence, your body can keep infections at bay. Therefore, consider including it in your daily diet.

8. Have More Probiotics

With proper probiotic intake, good gut bacteria can flourish and nourish well. You can find probiotic-friendly bacteria in fermented products like yoghurt, Yakult, kefir, kimchi, etc. If you include these probiotics in your diet, you are likely to have a healthy gut that further boosts your immunity.

9. Have More Fibre

Fibre content is good for digestion and also a good food source for large intestinal bacteria. It even helps increase the growth of healthy gut bacteria and hence, acts as an immunity booster. You can have fibre content in your diet in the form of nuts, whole grains, berries, beans, etc.

10. Have More Zinc

Add more zinc to your diet to initiate normal functioning and the development of cells mediating innate immunity. You can include zinc in your diet through legumes, whole grains, shellfish, red meat, eggs, oysters, crab, turkey and lobster.


Lately, more and more viruses have started to impact our lives. Therefore, it is vital to have more immunity boosters with regular workouts to ensure your body’s natural defence mechanisms are working fine. Hence, it’s easier for you to keep viruses and bacteria at bay. 

Also, Visit here: 10 Fermented Probiotic Drinks you can make at Home


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