5 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immunity Naturally


5 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immunity Naturally

Infections can catch you at any time and not simply during the pandemic. Thus, maintaining your body’s immunity must be an everyday affair, rather than a quick-fix solution to fight one type of virus. Any kind of serious infection can lead to critical diseases, many of which you may not even have heard of.

So, we share some knowledge on immunity boosters that can help you fight these infections and diseases naturally. Although you will need to focus on maintaining your daily exercises and good lifestyle practices to stay healthy, the following home remedies will keep your immune system in check. These naturopathic ways have been followed for centuries

1. Go for Golden Latte:
It is a popular grandma’s solution to any bodily ailment. Golden latte has turmeric as its main ingredient. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, as well as contains antioxidants that boost your immune system. Golden latte can be prepared using the mix available in the market or can be homemade using cow’s milk, turmeric, oil, and spices. There are several recipes available online to teach you on preparing a golden latte that is aromatic and flavourful.

2. Prepare Balls of Ginger Powder or Garden Cress Seeds: Any of these laddoo balls is a great immunity booster. This home remedy can get your body ready to fight cold and cough and other serious types of microbial infections. While the ginger powder balls involve the use of jaggery, ghee, and ginger powder, the garden cress seed balls can be made using jaggery, ghee, garden cress seeds, coconut, coconut water, and nutmeg powder. These ingredients raise your energy and reduce fatigue and stress.

3. Prefer Spice Decoctions: Many wonderful spices in the kitchen are readily available treatments for infections. These spices have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, for which they have always been admired in historical times. While you can prepare different types of decoctions, one of the most used is that made using turmeric and black pepper.

It can boost your immunity significantly. You simply need to boil two cloves and one skinned but cut lemon with one teaspoon of turmeric, while also adding some pepper and an inch of ginger to the mix boiling in a liter of water. This decoction should be consumed as one-quarter glass, thrice a day.

4. Drink Herbal Teas: Herbal remedies have been the best to boost the immune system. You may give a try to various types of herbal teas, such as ginseng, turmeric, tulsi, chamomile, peppermint, and echinacea. One of the most famous herbal teas is ginger tea, which is consumed throughout India.

You can also try that to strengthen your immunity against microbial infections. Herbal teas additionally have a calming effect that is helpful for good sleep, relaxation, and stress reduction. These areas are important to work in if you are working towards a having powerful immune system.

5. Focus on Probiotic Foods and Nutritious Juices: This is the easiest way to fight bad bacteria, detoxify your body and raise your immunity to a new high. Consume more probiotic foods and drinks, such as yogurt, miso, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.

These will provide good bacteria called probiotics to your gut and help eliminate harmful microbes that cause reduced immunity and decreased resistance to diseases and infections. You should also include green veggies and citrus juices in your diet.

Get ready to spice up your foods and make your drinks tangier. It is a simple immunity booster home remedy to find herbs and natural items right in your kitchen rather than exploring hundreds of medicines to treat your infections.


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