7 Common Myths about Constipation

Do you feel crampy, bloated and uncomfortable for days or weeks? Putting on pants in the morning or being in a long work meeting can trigger anxiety due to discomfort. Despite sitting on the toilet for long periods, you can't seem to find relief and eliminate waste. You're not alone. Research indicates that 15-20% of people have chronic constipation, which affects all aspects of life, not just bathroom habits. However, there are several common myths about constipation . And, it may lead to confusion on what to try and what not to get some relief. Don’t worry! Here we are busting some common myths related to constipation to help you understand what might work for improving the condition. Myth 1: Colon cleansing is an effective treatment for constipation While colon irrigation (high colonics) and enemas can eliminate body waste, they are not effective methods for constipation treatment or prevention. Regular enemas can cause constipation, particularly in older individual...